Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2016)                   ASE 2016, 6(1): 2110-2117 | Back to browse issues page

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:   (22681 Views)

According to the Global Fuel Crisis, it seems necessary to use alternative fuel instead of gasoline. Since the natural gas is cheaper, have higher frequency than gasoline and less pollution, it is a suitable fuel. Many efforts have been done in order to replace gasoline with natural gas. One of the methods is to inject natural gas and gasoline fuel simultaneously and to use the benefits of both fuels. The purpose of this paper is studying natural gas and gasoline blend effect on engine power, torque and emissions. The simulated model was validated in different engine RPMs for gasoline and natural gas, were separately injected into the engine at full load condition. The results of simulation was had good agreement with experiments. The results show that by natural gas and gasoline Simultaneous injection power and torque have been reduced. NOX, HC and CO2 Pollutants change periodically, but their production level is generally lower than gasoline mode, but the CO pollutant increases.

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