چکیده: (20396 مشاهده)
In this paper, a computational in-cylinder analysis of HCCI diesel engine was carried out using IC Engine FORTE (ANSYS 18.2) software package. The analysis used pre-defined industry standard CHEMKIN format for specifying a chemical reaction mechanism during the combustion duration. The investigation was carried out for the effects of various EGR mass percentages on the thermal and emission characteristics of a diesel engine running on HCCI mode of combustion. It was observed that an increase in EGR concentration resulted in the decrease in peak in-cylinder pressure and temperature and it was also found that when the EGR rates were increased beyond 75% there was no combustion happening within the cylinder. A considerable decrease in the NOx emissions was found with an increase in EGR mass percentage with almost negligible values when the EGR rates were increased beyond 50%, however there was a slight increase in un-burnt hydrocarbons.
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