دوره 8، شماره 3 - ( 6-1397 )                   جلد 8 شماره 3 صفحات 2780-2769 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Esfahanian M, Saadat M, Karami P. Antilock Regenerative Braking System Design for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. ASE 2018; 8 (3) :2769-2780
URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-425-fa.html
Antilock Regenerative Braking System Design for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Automotive Science and Engineering. 1397; 8 (3) :2769-2780

URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-425-fa.html

چکیده:   (24963 مشاهده)
Hybrid electric vehicles employ a hydraulic braking system and a regenerative braking system together to provide enhanced braking performance and energy regeneration. In this paper an integrated braking system is proposed for an electric hybrid vehicle that include a hydraulic braking system and a regenerative braking system which is functionally connected to an electric traction motor. In the proposed system, four independent anti-lock fuzzy controllers are developed to adjust the hydraulic braking torque in front and rear wheels. Also, an antiskid controller is applied to adjust the regenerative braking torque dynamically.  A supervisory controller, is responsible for the management of this system.  The proposed integrated braking system is simulated in different driving cycles. Fuzzy rules and membership functions are optimized considering the objective functions as SoC and slip coefficient in various road conditions. The simulation results show that the fuel consumption and the energy loss in the braking is reduced. In the other hand, this energy is regenerated and stored in the batteries, especially in the urban cycles with high start/stop frequency. The slip ratio remains close to the desired value and the slip will not occur in the whole driving cycle. Therefore, the proposed integrated braking system can be considered as a safe, anti-lock and regenerative braking system.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي |

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