Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2013)                   ASE 2013, 3(2): 379-392 | Back to browse issues page

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Iranmanesh. Experimental Investigations about the Effect of New Combination of Biofuels on Simultaneous Reduction Of NOx and Smoke Emissions in DI-Diesel Engine. ASE 2013; 3 (2) :379-392
URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-191-en.html
Abstract:   (23050 Views)
In this study, various percentage of DEE was added to the optimum selected ethanol-diesel blend (D-E10) and optimized its blending ratio to overcome the poor ignition quality of ethanol when utilized in a single cylinder DI diesel engine. Some physicochemical properties of test fuels such as heating value, viscosity, and density and distillation profile were determined in accordance to the ASTM standards. The heating value of the blends was reduced with addition of DEE. Front-end volatility of the blends was improved by addition of DEE, which in turn improves the cold starting property. The uncertainty associated with measurements was also measured. The data were analyzed statistically for 95% confidence level. The results have shown that addition of biofuels, ethanol and diethyl ether, have improved the combustion and emissions characteristics of the engine. Addition of ethanol and DEE improved smoke and NOx emissions simultaneously. It was found the 8% DEE add to the D-E10 blend is the optimum combination based on the performance and emission analysis with the exception of smoke opacity in which 15% DEE addition made the lowest smoke opacity. At this optimum ratio the minimum peak heat release rate, the lowest NOx emissions and the maximum BTE were occurred at full load condition. Meanwhile the lowest level of CO and HC emissions were obtained at all the load conditions with the same blending ratio.
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